AlexaPure Pro Water

Water is critical during times of disaster. Having water collection methods as well as stored water is very important. What most people do not realize is that not only does collected water need to be boiled for 20 minutes it also needs to be put thru a filter as well. You do NEED both. You may think that a clear stream is alright to drink from, however you never know what is in that stream further up. It is not worth risking your life or the life of your family to get giardia or other parasitic infections when you could easily have just filtered and boiled first. Having many filters on hand is very important. You will only need to purify your drinking and cleaning dishes water. However, take a look at your water bill if you have one to see how much water you consume in one month. Being frugal our house uses over 14,000 gallons each month! That is doing only 3 loads of laundry per week and one dishwasher run. It is amazing how much we consume and have no idea.